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Oakhurst, CA 93644
United States


Previous Schedules

Summer/Fall 2012 Schedule:

Sun. May 20th (Wild Foraging)

Sun. June 24th (Reskilling/ The Basics of Herbal Preperations)

Sun. July 22nd (Transition Initiatives)

Sun. August 19th (Perpetuating Permaculture/video)

Sun. September 23rd (Eco-Garden Design)

Sun. October 28th (Seed Exchange)

Sun. November 18th (Water Harvesting)


Fall 2011/Winter 2012 Schedule:

Sun. November 20th (Intro to permaculture and opening video/discussion)

Sun. December 18th (Design of Eco-gardens/food forests)

Sun. Jan 22nd (Reskilling: handspun/natural dye fibers & fermentation)

Sun. February 19th (Transition initiatives/transition towns)

Sun. March 18th (Seed exchange/seed storage)

Sun. April 22st (Relationship to water/water catchment)

Sun May 20th (Wild foraging with "The Wild Forager")

Spring/Summer 2011 Schedule:

Sun. March 27th (Intro to permaculture and opening video/discussion)

Sun. April 17th (A natural re-union on the garden through deep observation/listening)

Sun. May 22nd (Relationship to water/water catchment and domestic animals)

Sun. June 12th (Ancestral skills, wild harvesting with “THE WILD FORAGER”)

Sun. July 17th (Re-skilling through the art of food preservation)

Sun. Aug 21st (Transition Towns)

Sun Sept 18th (Seed Exchange)